Early video for Klavarskribo game

I still don’t have a name for this game I’m working on, so I’m not sure how to refer to it yet. Also, I’m still on the inept side when it comes to video publishing, so this first offering is of pretty low quality.

What this shows is live MIDI input (from a keyboard, eventually). What it doesn’t show is the rising notes of a score, which I’m still working on. This is an early video, so things have already changed quite a bit from what you see here. But at least it conveys some idea of what it will look like (piano keyboard at the top of the screen, Klavarskribo groups of 3 and 2 vertical lines down the screen). I’ve since removed the stems from the live (currently-being-played) notes, but they will remain on the notes that rise up the screen. As with Dance Dance Revolution’s arrows, when a note hits the top of the screen, that’s when you’re supposed to play it. I’ve also added color-coding to the notes: red for wrong note, green for correct note, and black for missed note (not shown in the above video). The aim is to provide immediate visual feedback as to how closely you’re matching the prescribed notes as they hit the top of the screen.

Steven Wilson commented on my last blog post. I went to his site and found a remarkably similar thing that he’s working on, along with a video showing the system in action. It doesn’t use Klavarskribo notation; it looks more like Synthesia’s vertical bars (with length indicating note values). But unlike Synthesia (and like what I’m doing), the keyboard is at the top of the screen (as opposed to the bottom of the screen). The link to the video on Steven’s page appears to be disabled at the moment though.

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